Standard Childcare First Aid with CPR Level B (14-16 Hours) – $135.00
Certification card Valid for 3 years. This course is spread over the course of two days or four evenings. Upon completion, students will be able to recognize, treat, and deal with emergency situations involving children and infants appropriately and more comfortably. This course is ideal for those who want a comprehensive insight into dealing emergency situations with babies and children at home, or for those who work with children.
- Emergency action principles
- Airway emergencies
- Breathing emergencies
- Circulatory emergencies
- Childhood illnesses
- Recognition of common medical emergencies and treatments
- Bandaging and splinting techniques
- Head and Spinal emergencies
- Environmental emergencies
- CPR/Automated External Defibrillation
- Secondary survey
- Includes child and infant skills
- Soft tissue injuries and wound care
- Poisons
- Keeping Children safe